
The Mike Church Show-The Double Edged CoronaVax, End Of Days Sword: SADS And Fertility

The Mike Church Show-The Double Edged CoronaVax, End Of Days Sword: SADS And Fertility

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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  Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Biden is so far gone that he literally read ‘end of quote’….’repeat the line’.

  • He didn’t repeat the line correctly for starters.
  • He said the silent part out loud.
  • But HHS Beceerra does all he can to keep his laughter inside at the gaff.


 Abortion in Louisiana – 

  • This judge has NO authority b/c the Louisiana legislature already made this decision. 
  • Center for Reproductive Progress – 
  • You cannot avoid the tax on your mobile devices.
  • They tax you for everything on the cellphone bills.
  • How much do you pay in Federal tax on that cell bill?
  • AT&T cell phone bill in Louisiana 
  • Interstate Tele Sales, Local Wireless 911 Surcharge, State Telecommunications Sales Tax, Telecom for the Deaf Fund, Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge, Louisiana Universal Service, Federal Universal Service Charge, Administrative Fee…the list goes on and on.


 HEADLINE: Postliberalism, Integralism—What Does It All Mean? by Charles Coulombe 

  • Here the question of what constitutes the Common Good becomes paramount.
  • You are in the throws of a Revolution Americans.
  • We remember the men of 1776, we can quote them, we know where they met, what they did…
  • QUESTION: What are they going to say about the men of 2022?
  • This is the lie, they never intended to honor a peaceful surrender.
  • Dobbs, Roe and the figure, the legend of Roe must continue no matter what.
  • QUESTION: If they lied about the presence about Roe w/ fake science, what was it truly about then?
  • ANSWER: murdering innocent babies
  • As long as they are on the winning end everything is fine.
  • As soon as WE win, full on rebellion occurs. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Elizabeth Warren on pregnancy crisis centers in Massachusetts. 

   HEADLINE: The Nation Divided by Frank Wright 
  Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
  If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

   Julie Kopka 

  • Northern Crusader Congress in Michigan
  • Friday August 19 and 20th Saturday
  • I’m hoping to have horseshoes etc set up here a the house.
   AUDIO/VIDEO: WWE Star TyrusThere has never been a parent that has helped their addict child by giving them more money.

  • This is bad parenting on display here.
  • This is exhibit A showing how throwing money at a problem doens’t solve the problem.
  • When you see Creepy Joe act all creepy this all makes more sense now.
1h35m Lockdowns and Children –

QUESTION: How many of you know what a SIGMA factor is?

HEADLINE: Hashem yeracheim (May G-d have mercy)! Send this to every community leader you can. Please. by Brucha Weisberger

  • The decline in factor, the drop of 15% is statically HUGE!
  • Taiwan decline birthrate is a SIGMA-26 level event.
  • This country has a 91% vaccination rate.
  • The ONLY country that has a higher % of vaccination rate is Israel. 
  • We cannot get the birthrates from Israel. 
   AUDIO/VIDEO: Funeral Director John O Looneywho spoke out about what he was seeing in post mortars from people vaccinated provides physical evidence of Sudden Death Syndrome. 
   HEADLINE: The Generation of Children Raised by Fear by Molly Kingsley and Liz Cole 

HEADLINE: The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man by Derek Thompson


Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  HEADLINE: Postliberalism, Integralism—What Does It All Mean? by Charles Coulombe 
   HEADLINE: Girl, 17, who transitioned back from a boy reveals how puberty blockers and surgery have ‘irreversibly and painfully’ ruined her body as she backs Florida law blocking medical interventions by Paul Farrell 

  • Sadly this young girl is not alone.
  • There are hundreds of young adults out there that are facing this ugly reality…the reality they made a mistake.
  • A mistake they can’t correct.
2h29m  HEADLINE: Shoppers trust local, family-run businesses more than corporations by Chris Melore  
  BACK to Charles Coulombe Article

  • Gentleman form your kingdoms, raise your families to understand the Kingship of Christ.
  • They highest good.
  • As it stands, our masters sacrifice our unborn to Moloch, destroy the innocence of those of our children who do survive, and enjoin the profanation of marriage. If our squabbles strengthen them, we are their unwitting partners, no matter how unwillingly.
  • The state does not have to build your roads.
  • Man can use a machine to create a greater efficiency but he doesn’t have to.
  • We don’t have to have mass production. 
  • Why do we have licensing boards?
  • Why don’t we have Guilds instead?
  • Alaska’s bridge to nowhere – 
  • FROM THE CHATROOM – All these licenses just allow phony control over your business. Why does the government have the right to shut down barbershops during the corona doom?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Djokovic on the BBC on staying non—vaccinated  are you prepared to forgo being forever known as the GOAT, and/or not being able to play Wimbledon? 

  • He is an opportunist is what the people are saying.
  • People wanted to cancel their sponsorships with him over this original stance.
  • This is where the problem comes, everyone is a cynic. 
  • There is no indication he is doing this for money.
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Macy Gray THENon Piers Morgan show says just b/c you cut things off doesn’t make you a woman. 

NOW – I think the LGBTQ community are heroes, if you feel in your heart that’s what you are, that’s what you are.

  • They wear you down, they berate you over social media until you cave.
  HEADLINE: The Generation of Children Raised by Fear by Molly Kingsley and Liz Cole 

  • FROM THE ARTICLE: One in four eleven-year olds are now obese, waiting lists for children’s paediatric and intervention services are spinning out of control and this week’s SATS results are yet more evidence, as if any were needed, that we’ve robbed children of the fulfilment of attainment. Indeed, it’s now painfully apparent that the Government’s pandemic policies have also degraded, perhaps permanently, education itself – some 1.7 million children are now regularly absent from school – one in four compared to one in nine pre-pandemic. 
  • Society will live with the consequences of these two desperate years for decades, perhaps longer. Fear is an inhibitor of bold, creative thinking and decisions made from a place of fear are smaller and defensive. Yet we have seen little bold, creative long-term planning in policy – and it shows nowhere more so than in education, where we lack not only any sort of long-term vision but, at the time of writing, even Ministers as well.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald TrumpElon is not gonna buy Twitter, where did you hear that from before? Yeah me, he said he has never voted for a R but he told me he voted for me…what a bullshitter.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Climate Justice Activistsays the Dutch government should be allowed to seize farmers’ land while protesting outside The Hague.

  HEADLINE: Shoppers trust local, family-run businesses more than corporations by Chris Melore 

  • This right here is the beginning of a guild.
  • Rule books for individual guilds.
  • A recent poll of 2,000 adults shows that 67 percent trust local businesses and 64 percent trust family-owned businesses. That’s compared to 59 percent when it comes to corporate multinationals and 61 percent who rely on franchises.
   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

 Chris Melore, Donald Trump, climate control, Dutch Farmer Revolt, Liz Cole, Molly Kingsley, COVID, school closures, mental health, Macy Gray, LGBTQ, guilds, Charles Coulombe, farmers markets, Joe Biden, abortion, Roe v Wade, Dobbs, transgender, Derek Thompson, BBC, Kingship of Christ, Paul Farrell, John O Looney, Brucha Weisberger, SIGMA factor, low birth rate, Frank Wright, Moloch, Elizabeth Warren, pregnancy centers 

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About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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