Written and directed by celebrated author Wyllis Cooper, the widely acclaimed old time radio program Quiet, Please was first aired on June 8, 1947 over the Mutual Broadcasting System. In this period, several similarly themed anthologies graced the American airwaves. However, it was this series that garnered notoriety during the golden age of radio and was lauded as an innovative and creative work of genius by both critics and academics alike. In fact, Professor Richard J. Hand from Glamorgan University praised Quiet, Please as an “extraordinary body of work,” and its writer Cooper as “one of the greatest authors of horror radio.” Quiet, Please was a mish mash of several literary genres, with supernatural encounters gaining the most prominence. Tales of the absurd were narrated by Ernest Chappell, who portrayed most of the series lead characters. His talent in fleshing out the gristly and morbid narratives paved the way for this old radio show to gain popularity among its listeners. One of the most notable episodes in the anthology is “The Thing on the Fourble Board,” which tells the story of a roughneck oil driller who unearths an ancient and horrific creature during a routine dig. Chappell breathes such life into each tale and transports the listener into a surreal world where monsters and alien beings exist outside the imagination. Immerse yourself in the world Cooper created by listening to Quiet Please today!