
The Stupid Party Has A Yewt Problem That Only DeSantis Can Fix.

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The Mike Church Show
The Mike Church Show
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SPECIAL GUEST – Political Corespondent 

Mahgdalen Rose

AUDIO/VIDEO: Republican Presidential Debate – Ronna McDaniels

Vivek Ramaswamy – I am upset at what happened last night. We have become the party of losers. Since McDaniel took over we lost 2018, 2020 and trounced in 2023 last night. Think about who is moderating this debate. This should be moderated by Tucker or Joe Rogan instead of hacks like Kristen Welker who pushed the Russian Collusion Hoax.

  • The idea you are giving all this time to people that don’t matter?
  • Ronna said, ‘well this is how its always been done’. 
  • I think Trump benefits from her but the rest of the field doesn’t.
  • You have Ron DeSantis climbing in the Iowa polls.
  • Trump didn’t win Iowa in 2016 either.
  • The first 3 states is NOT a clear path to victory.
  • A lot of Republican voters are still unsure if they are going to stay with Trump.
  • They are concerned and they have a lot of spending power.
  • The flow of money could be greatly disrupted for his presidency if he doesn’t win Iowa.
  • They have not been willing to engage in young religious youth group types.
  • DeSantis is taking nothing for granted and he is meeting w/ those people.
  • There is a lack of youth energy in Iowa for Trump.
  • We won the youth vote by 5 points the last few elections. 
  • This might become a pattern nationwide if he doesn’t take the time to turn this ship around.
  • As a young person, why DeSantis and not Vivek?
  • They think the ‘outsider’ politician has let that group down.
  • He or she could govern greatly day to day – you won’t hear them talk about that.
  • Vivek is interesting but there is very little he says that we haven’t heard already.
  • It is isolating being a young republican.
  • Think about the power of 10-15 people that are door knocking where you don’t see many youth doing that sort of thing.
  • If you bring Vivek into the Trump campaign what does that do?
  • From a media perspective – I agree it is the youths you see w/ placards and signs and protests.
  • Can Trump win that faction over?
  • To do that he will need to go w/ Ron DeSantis.
  • The culture of Virginia while conservative still has liberalism running through it.
  • There aren’t complaints on Youngkin but they aren’t singing his praise.
  • Do you have a view on what happened in Ohio and Kentucky?
  • In Kentucky the people just didn’t like the candidate. 
  • Being Trump’s guy doesn’t automatically mean you will be elected!
  • Young republicans don’t care about diversity, you can’t use the race card and boast the Trump backing b/c that is what the left does.
  • Catholics for Trump – 
  • Taylor Marshall
  • They shouldn’t be surprised but that is where we are right now.
  • The current Regime leader constantly pulls out his Catholic card all while promoting abortion.
  • How do you get to Ave Maria’s oldest child that is producing grandchildren for her?
  • How do you politically reach them?
  • They practice sacred tradition, so how do you get to that guy.
  • Make him loud proud and vocal?
  • We do not serve what it is most conservative media serve up.
  • We tell the truth, we speak how fruitless and evil things are in the world.
  • We don’t chant USA USA USA w/o mentioning all the problems we have. 
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    The Stupid Party Has A Yewt Problem That Only DeSantis Can Fix. Mike Church

About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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