
Second Line Brewery Made Second Class Citizens Out Of Catholic Nuns

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The Mike Church Show
The Mike Church Show
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HEADLINE: New Orleans’ Second Line Brewing cancels ‘Pro-Life and Pints’ event by Catholic Charities by Gabriella Killett

HEADLINE: The ‘Second Line Blue Post’ via The Big Easy Conservative 

  • The ‘Second Line Blue Post’ exposes contradictions in a way so immediate, so true, so “Leftist” that the statement should be memorialized for being both totally crazy and spot-on true.
  • With all due respect, where is the Archbishop?
  • Sir, shouldn’t you be out there exploiting this incident and expose this type of behavior.
  • To them ‘inclusion’ means the exclusion of nuns and Catholic.
  • “Forward” is their theme. But somewhere in the mix is a need to guard “the family” associated with brewery ownership. Again… questions. Why did Catholic Charities call me and request that I back off? 
  • What is the trajectory of a secularized city? Has New Orleans tipped into being un-Catholic? Or anti-Catholic?
  • Is New Orleans now a non-catholic city?
  • Just a few years ago, this would not be allowed. 
  • The employees would have walked away from the job b/c that is discrimination PERIOD.
  • Three Roman Catholic nuns working with Catholic Charities of New Orleans had scheduled a nice event on the 26th of October at Second Line Brewer, in Mid-City New Orleans.  Young Catholics were invited to attend, donating $20 for a couple of beers and meeting friends and having a good time, with all proceeds to be donated to ACCESS Pregnancy Center.  But when the owners of Second Line Brewery heard complaints about the upcoming event, and though the owners had previously approved the event, THEY CANCELLED THE EVENT.  Not just that, they issued a social media-blasted statement saying they were “deeply sorry” for almost accidentally allowing CATHOLIC NUNS to use their venue, and they “promise to do better” in “vetting” their future events and customers.  Think about that…
  • This  is anti-Catholic bigotry. This is anti-religious bigotry. This is anti-American. This is “woke” Leftist abortionism. This is an insult!
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    Second Line Brewery Made Second Class Citizens Out Of Catholic Nuns Mike Church

About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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