
Do The Palestinians Have A Natural Law Claim To Their Land

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Wisdom Wednesday
Wisdom Wednesday
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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie 

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

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HEADLINE: Stephen Heiner’s Timely, Informative Review of the Book, Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Brother Andre Marie

  • Our late superior and my beloved mentor, Brother Francis Maluf, was a Lebanese-born Melkite Catholic. He highly recommended this book by Archbishop Elias Chacour: Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel. Archbishop Chacour is a Palestinian-Born Melkite Catholic who has worked tirelessly for peace in the region. 
  • The Christian Church is Israel.
  • The nation state parked in Palestine is not Israel.
  • WE are Israel according to sacred history.
  • That is a straight line – the Continuity of Religion.
  • It is Christs body not just a piece of real-estate. 

HEADLINE: Pope Francis and U.S. President Biden speak by phone, discuss Israel and Gaza by Tina Dennelly  

HEADLINE: Circumcision: An Acceptable Practice? by Brother Andre Marie 

  • One of our excuses to go after Saddam Hussein was they have violated UN mandates.
  • The state of Israel defied those UN mandates more than any other country.
  • 1441 UN Treaty 
  • No Security Member Council may engage in any military activity of another UN w/o security council all approving it. 
  • Remember the Helsinki Accords and the Geneva Accords?
  • We signed both! 
  • The Helsinki Final Act was an agreement signed by 35 nations that concluded the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held in Helsinki, Finland. The multifaceted Act addressed a range of prominent global issues and in so doing had a far-reaching effect on the Cold War and U.S.-Soviet relations.

HEADLINE: Prayer to Our Lady of Palestine by Brother Andre Marie 

O Mary Immaculate, gracious Queen of Heaven and of Earth, behold us prostrate before thy exalted throne. Full of confidence in thy goodness and in thy boundless power, we beseech thee to turn a pitying glance upon Palestine, which, more than any other country, belongs to thee, since thou hast graced it with thy birth, thy virtues and thy sorrows, and from there hast given the Redeemer to the world.

Remember that there especially thou wast constituted our tender Mother, the dispenser of graces. Watch, therefore, with special protection over thy native country, dispel from it the shades of error, for it was there that the Son of Eternal Justice shone. Bring about the speedy fulfillment of the promise, which issued from the lips of thy Divine Son, that there should be one fold and one Shepherd.

Obtain for us all that we may serve the Lord in sanctity and justice during all the days of our life, so that, by the merits of Jesus and with thy motherly aid, we may pass at last from this earthly Jerusalem to the splendors of the heavenly one. Amen.

  • Saint Porphyrius was in Gaza from 395-420 so don’t tell me there were NO Catholics there!
  • As Americans we have to take out our white cowboy hat and our white cowboy hat and stick it on one or the other.
  • It is not appropriate when you are talking about extremely complex and much of the issues we simply don’t understand.
  • We have the Muslims and the Jews in the Holy Land fighting it out and we are supposed to ‘pick a side’? 
  • NO WE DON’T 
  • BREAKING: Queen Rania of Jordan on Israel – 

    What people need to realize is that under the guise of the right to self-defense, we see atrocities. Yes, any country has the right to self-defense. But not by any means. Not war crimes. Not collective punishment. You see, 6 thousand civilians have already been killed. 2.4 thousand children. What kind of self-defense is this? We see massacres using precision weapons. So in these two weeks we saw indiscriminate bombing of Gaza. Entire families are destroyed. Residential areas are leveled to the ground. The targets were hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, doctors, journalists, and UN mission employees. Is this self-defense? And why is it that whenever Israel commits these atrocities, they are presented under the banner of self-defense, and when violence comes from the Palestinians, it is immediately called terrorism? Is the word “terrorist” only applicable to Muslims and Arabs? There really are double standards here. [Your husband, King Abdullah…] There is no symmetry here. [This is what I want to ask: your husband, King Abdullah…] This is an unequal conflict between two peoples. You see, one is the occupier, and the other is the occupied. One has an army – one of the strongest in the world. And the other one doesn’t have it at all! So a false symmetry emerges here.

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    Do The Palestinians Have A Natural Law Claim To Their Land Mike Church

About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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