
I Am Woman Hear Me Snore, Next To My Husband And 8 Children

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The Mike Church Show
The Mike Church Show
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Jennifer Bryson

  • NO one was telling young women that you are designed to have children.
  • To marry and have children.
  • That is a fabulous beautiful thing.
  • They had only heard about climbing that success ladder.

HEADLINE: Advice to a Young Woman: Secrets That Feminists Don’t Want You to Know by Jennifer Bryson 

  • God wants something from me.
  • It has been a time of tremendous learning and prayer.
  • I have integrated my faith w/ my work life right now.
  • I learned German when I was a teenager so I am currently translating Catholic works done by a wonderful German author. 

HEADLINE: Feminism and Marxism Were Spawned out of the Same Zeitgeist: An Interview with Jennifer Bryson 

  • The four ‘waves’ of feminism—although some argue that there have been five or six at this point—are all just variations on the same idea with the same end. While each of these waves has distinct traits, I want to focus on the broader problems with feminism—found in all its iterations—by taking a closer look at its primary goal: to change the structure of society in order to improve the lot of women.
  • QUESTION: What do feminist want to do w/ society?
  • ANSWER: So it sounds deceptively simple and deceptively nice. Summarized they want to improve the lot of women by changing the structure of society.
  • The first part lures people in b/c it sounds so nice.
  • Sin is real in the world, there are real life problems and injustices. 
  • The second part is where it becomes bad.
  • The agent of change in society are these claims that someone has a special knowledge and change the ENTIRE structure of society at the Meta-Level.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
  • She went down to France at the end of the Revolution. 
  • Notice how, in this paradigm, women no longer need to tend to their own souls. Their problems are always blamed on external forces. This is an important and common thread throughout the many varieties of feminism.
  • The response we need to have toward feminism is…..NO.
  • People are so worried about offending people and others so we don’t just say no.
  • Eco-system – they try to micromanage and change everything for just one member, women.
  • This has set everything out of balance. 
  • Women are now suffering too b/c of this.
  • Is feminism responsible for today’s gender ideology?
  • Yes unhinged woman – coming from a world view in which woman is no longer a creature created by God but woman is something that can be made or become something that was or is.
  • Becoming what someone wants to be is in the hands of that human being.
  • First came the normalization of single career-women. Then, the normalization of married women intentionally without children. Then normalization of lesbian women. Then normalization of women roaming in and out of various forms of relationships or even just hook-ups. These share two underlying shifts. First, a reconceptualization of what a woman is, now ever more distance from her capacity to bear new life with a man. Second, they share an assumption that what a woman is can change, even be helped along by rolls of the revolution along the path called “progress.” With change itself made normative, we should not be surprised that an attempted normalization of men saying, “I too am a woman!” is now underway.
  • It is unrealistic to expect an audience to understand what a feminist Catholic. 
  • The effect of what they are doing is to affirm feminism and all its problems.
  • We don’t need the ideology of feminism. 
  • Very few people understand what ideology means. 
  • We need to tell our young women to think about what you want your life to look like at the age of 60.
  • Do you want to be surrounded by a loving husband?
  • Do you want to have beautiful grandchildren to love on?
  • We must use our YOUTH to find our loves, to start your family.
  • The doors of life will begin to close when we get to a certain age.
  • You can start a career later in life, you cannot start a family later in life.
  • Your biology dictates you can’t.
  • Don’t wait on family or children if you even remotely think you want a child.
  • The Equal Rights Amendment – 
  • 2024 or 2025 – looking at locations where the Traditional Latin Mass is thriving in the United States – I want to move back as soon as this work is done here in Austria.
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    I Am Woman Hear Me Snore, Next To My Husband And 8 Children Mike Church

About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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