
Mike Church Show-If You Don’t Get Your Deathjab The Death From Hoax Will Get You

Mike Church Show-If You Don’t Get Your Deathjab The Death From Hoax Will Get You

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
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Dr Oz and John Fetterman

HEADLINE: SEE IT: Fetterman uses computer to understand reporter’s questions by Daniel Chaitin 

  • It takes him a while to read the question, once the person asks the question so it was really hard to watch.
  • Yes before this debate I think many women would vote for him out of sheer sympathy.
  • AFTER this debate however, I think they will even change now b/c it was so bad even the sympathy vote is going to flee.
  • The women that had sympathy for him will now turn on the wife.
  • You should take John Fetterman as your definition of PRIDE.
  • He knows he is impaired, his wife knows he is impaired and anyone that meets him knows he is cognitively impaired and yet…they still parade him around and think Americans are too stupid to do anything about it.

Gretchen Whitmer and Tudor Dixon


Lee Zeldin and Kathy Hochul 



HEADLINE: Visualizing All The Metals We Mined In 2021 via ZeroHedge 

  • Iron Ore accounted for 93% of the metals mined in 2021, with 2.6 billion tonnes extracted from the ground. It’s important to note that this is ore production, which is typically higher than metal production since metals are extracted and refined from ores. For example, the iron metal content of this ore is estimated at 1.6 billion tonnes. 
  • Technology metals include those that are commonly used in technology and devices. Compared to industrial metals, these are usually mined on a smaller scale and could see faster consumption growth as the world adopts new technologies.
  • Remember when Lithium was prescribed to mental patients? 
  HEADLINE: Biden Touts Grocery Coupons For People Who Get Vaccinated Again by Ben Zeisloft 
  HEADLINE: The new “Omicron-specific” mRNA Covid boosters are WORSE than useless by Alex Berenson 

HEADLINE: The best conspiracy theory you’ll hear today by Alex Berenson 



HEADLINE: Adverse Surgical Outcomes From ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries by Martha Rosenberg 

A serious question still remains unanswered – “What is the long-term impact of blocking puberty on a young person’s health? Can practitioners correctly determine which youngsters will still identify as trans when they are adults? Do the psychological assessments contribute to children’s suffering by delaying access to puberty blockers and hormones? Why has the number of teens coming forward to receive transgender medical care, particularly those assigned female at birth, risen so dramatically in recent years?”

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7:15am cst Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ COVID TeamWe are here w/ a simple message: Get vaccinated, not enough people are getting vaccinated. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ COVID TeamAlmost everyone who will die from COVID this year will not be up to date on their shots. 

  • We have been fighting something for a week now and our HCQ supply is gone.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ COVID TeamSome of our members in congress say we don’t need COVID funding, I strongly disagree this is a global health emergency.

  • Because they are responsible for the maiming and the killing of hundreds of thousands, and their advocacy of Event 201, they have to take it to the house. 
  • They can’t back off now b/c lawsuits would ensue.
  • And they certainly can’t do it before midterms.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Lee Zeldin debate w/ Kathy HachulWhy does NY lead the entire nation in population loss? B/c their wallets, their safety, their freedom and the quality of their kids’ education are under attack.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Lee Zeldin debate w/ Hockul What about the deadly nursing home deaths & coverups, why didn’t you stick up for those losing loved ones? On day one I will finish what you refuse to address and end.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Top 7 John Fetterman Highlights at PA Senate Debate 

  • What in the wide world of sports is going on here?
  • This is for a seat in the US Senate! 
  • This man is running for a seat that holds extreme clout.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Dylan Mulvaney going to the WHThis is a humiliation exercise, the whole thing is an insulting caricature of femininity and womanhood.

  • Our Catholic leader just praised, publicly, this mans mortal…sinful life.


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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie 

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel.

  • It is one thing to be sorrowful but if you love you will be joyful when something happens to those that you love or when something good happens in your presence.
  • Saint Paul says rejoice w/ those that rejoice and weep with those that weep.

HEADLINE: European Court: Aborting Jesus At Mass A Sacred Right by Rod Dreher 

  • Eloïse Bouton gets off scot-free. And there are still people — Christians among them — who don’t know what time it is. 
  • In an opinion rendered Oct. 13, the Strasbourg-based ECHR ruled that by punishing Bouton for her display, France violated the article of the European Convention on Human Rights that protects freedom of expression. 
  • I remind you that in many European countries, it is against the law to say that a penis-having person who claims to be a woman is really a man. But according to the ECHR, you can commit the ultimate blasphemy on the altar of a Catholic Church, during the liturgy, and it’s protected speech.
  • Some responsible person in the UK should say the court has NO right in this matter.
  • In the name of preserving Democracy is what they are using, by limiting your freedom of speech etc.
  • This is a question of public blasphemy law – in this country it would go against our obscenity laws, descent laws, and others.
  • So we aren’t as bad off as Europe in this instance.
  • TKD tells story of Saint John Vianney and the band that played at the local pub.
  • Saint John Vianney managed to close most the saloons in his area.
  • Dancing in France at that time was very lewd. 
  • The common criteria was if the man and woman NOT married were holding each other close, that kind of contact was considered bad b/c they weren’t married. Store – What Mary Wants from You by Sister Marie Gabrielle, M.I.C.M.

Newpolity –

HEADLINE: Are We Postliberal Yet? by Michael Hanby

  • Personal cost he did lose 2 sons in the war so there was the human loss you must take into account w/ his thought process on all this.
  • He was a great apologist and you shouldn’t simply dismiss him.
  • Postliberals vs Integralist 

RECONQUEST Episode 339: What Is Integralism? Guest: Charles Coulombe

  • Politics is how society aught to be governed. 
  • On one hand you need the egg-heads.

HEADLINE: Postliberalism, Integralism—What Does It All Mean? by Charles Coulombe 

  • So you need both theoretical and practical.

HEADLINE: Episode 347: The Importance of Intention by Brother Andre Marie

  AUDIO/VIDEO: Ammon Bundy running for Gov of Idaho – Liberals say that if I’m elected they’ll leave the state, well when I’m elected, Idaho will help pay their moving cost b/c it’s cheaper than keeping them here.
3h14m HEADLINE: Biden Touts Grocery Coupons For People Who Get Vaccinated Again by Ben Zeisloft 

  • Whatever happened to the PCR test?
  • Where did that thing go?
  • And the ‘rapid’ tests? 
  • Albertsons, a grocery store chain with most locations in the western part of the nation, will discount groceries by 10% for people who receive the vaccine in-store, with total benefits capped at $20. CVS Health is likewise offering $5 off any regular purchase of $20, while Rite Aid will offer coupons for $5 off a purchase of $25 or more. Southeastern Grocers will provide $20 vouchers when individuals receive their COVID vaccine and booster at the same time. 
  • Beyond the companies offering discounts, Walgreens is spending millions to “encourage vaccinations across Black and Hispanic communities,” while Walmart and Sam’s Club will play a reminder over store loudspeakers three to four times each hour in the hopes that shoppers will opt to receive their vaccines.
  HEADLINE: Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule by David Harsanyi 

  • Of course it is THEIR party that needs to remain right?!
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Meta-tags for show David Harsanyi, Midterm Elections, PCR test, COVID, CVS, Walgreens, Albertsons, Ammon Bundy, Idaho, Dr Oz, John Fetterman, Daniel Chaitin, Gretchen Whitmer, Tudor Dixon, iron ore, lithium, Alex Berenson, gender-affirming surgery, transgender, LGBTQ, Martha Rosenberg, adverse surgical outcomes, Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden, Michael Hanby, Charles Coulombe, Brother Andre Marie, integralism, Sister Marie Gabrielle, ReConquest, Saint Benedict Center, ECHR, Lee Zeldin, Kathy Hochul, Donald Trump, Dylan Muldovey

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About the author call_made

Mike Church

Mike The KingDude Church is host of CRUSADE Max & CRUSADE Channel's The MikE Church Show & Mike is the Founder of The Veritas Radio Network.

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