Welcome to the Early Show. Today is Teddy Bear Picnic Day! Fiorella talks about this day, the song, and teddy bears. Also do you like scrapple? Apparently this ... Read more.
Welcome to the Early Show. On today’s episode, Fiorella is joined by Margaret Akers from the Society For The Protection Of Unborn Children. The two discus... Read more.
Welcome to the Fiorella Files. A teacher faces backlash because she refused affirm her student’s desire to identify as a cat. It is time we act like adu... Read more.
Picture this, you have the cure for cancer and the cleaner accidentally trashes your research. She picked up the files, tossed them in the garbage can, and th... Read more.
When explorers encounter trouble, are we morally obligated to put our lives at risk to rescue them? The tragic accident of the Titan sub is an example of this m... Read more.